Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Generic December Post

Well, I have a lot to write about, not much time, and really nothing interesting to say. Let me first say happy holidays to all of you. No matter what you celebrate, I hope you do it happily, even if its just going to Hawaii to visit your brother, have fun.

Secondly, my birthday was last Friday, and it was nice. I finally got a phone that works well, and a Tomas Vokoun jersey is on its way. (Would've been here sooner, but he's just so freakin' popular, y'know? :)) I also got to spend the evening with my friends, drinking watching movies (Miracle and The 40 Year-Old Virgin), and generally having a fun time. It was much better than my 5th or 6th birthday when no one showed up because there was a Christmas Pagent that day.

The next thing to note is that Belinda and I went to see King Kong the weekend after my brithday, and as we're sitting there, I see Alex Scherr sitting down in a row in front of me. Now, I don't acutally know the guy, but he's the director of the civil clinics at school, so I've seen him around, and I know he's seen me. I don't aknowlege him, and he returns the favor. Shortly thereafter though, I see none other than Professor Brussack walking up the row and sitting somewhere behind me. I know Brussack as I had taken his Law and The Information Age class just this semester. I don't think he knows me, but after the movie I said hi to him in the lobby before getting out of there. (In an unrelated note, the next day Belinda and I were in Target, and I saw my Trusts and Estates professor in there, Sarajane Love. I was like a law professor magnet that weekend)

Next order of business is this upcoming weekend. Belinda and I are leaving for Nashville on Friday, and coming back on Tuesday. In the middle we're planning a trip up to Metropolis IL, where, barring me chickening out at the last minute, I plan on playing some poker against people who aren't my friends, for more than $5 at a time. Wish me luck. We would be coming back sooner than Tuesday, but I actually have a Call Back interview that day in Clarksville, TN. I'm a little nervous, but I'm just gonna be myself, and hope that I'm what they're looking for.


Blogger _Nemo_ said...

dude! you lost at poker! $20000000! ok some of those zeros don't count. g luck on ur interview and better tell me about it. i am your resume sith lord. rise...

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude! How are you doing, this is James. Im not in grad school anymore. I just kind of got sick of it. Call me sometime. Email me at if you need my number

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to say, if you need my number, email me. But its currently the same as it has always been

11:10 PM  

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